A week ago, I took a field trip to NeuroMed in Nashville to meet psychiatrist, Dr. Daniel Barton, and learn more about Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, TMS. Dr. Barton explained that the procedure directs magnetic pulses deep into the limbic system of the brain, which is under active in people suffering from depression. Stimulating the limbic region, 5-days a week over a 4-6 week period, results in a marked decrease in depressive symptoms for the marjority of clients…and total remission in others.
Dr. Barton was happy to let me experience what the treatment felt like for myself. The procedure was simple, comfortable and the Brainsway treatment helmet was quite stylish! The magnetic pulses felt like little zaps of electricity that made my eyelids twitch, but it wasn’t painful. Although I got a very brief round, the entire treatment usually takes less than 20-minutes per session.
Individual counseling (i.e. cognitive behavioral therapy) is highly effective in treating depression, when combined with antidepressants. TMS seems to be an excellent alternative to medications, so I am eager to see more research results over time. For people suffering from major depression, who have not responded to anti-depressant medications, TMS is often covered by insurance.
If you suffer from symptoms of depression, counseling can help. You can phone me for a free phone consultation: (615)415-8884.
To learn more about Dr. Barton, and if TMS treatment is a good fit for you, call: (615) 861-1000. Visit the website at: www.neuromedtms.com