As young adults launch into higher education, careers and independence, they are pressured to be decisive and goal driven. Simultaneously, they are fine tuning who they are and forming important social and intimate relationships. They’re challenged to make the “right” choices (college, major, career path, roommate or partner) and shoulder new adult responsibilities, when they may not even feel that sure of themselves or their direction. Failed relationships, unexpected setbacks, avoiding decision—or making poor ones— can be costly and psychologically painful.
Everyone makes mistakes transitioning into adulthood, but recovery is critical to moving forward. If you are a young adult who has become derailed and/or is experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety, you can recover. I help young adult clients remove obstacles so they can stabilize emotionally, develop constructive coping skills, healthy relationships a network of support. On this strong foundation, I guide them as they design a vision for their future and build goals that can get them there.